


注册护士为我打开了数不清的大门. The opportunity to care for patients has provided me the chance to make a difference.

为了庆祝全国护士周, Shenese斯图尔特是Herzing大学RN-BSN的学生, shares her first-h和 knowledge about what it takes to succeed in an 在线注册护士到BSN护理计划.



我当过 Certified 护理 Assistant 和 Certified Medical Assistant before returning to school to 成为一名注册护士. Eventually, my desire to do more for my patients outgrew my scope of practice. 我当过 持牌执业护士 for four years before deciding to return for my RN license.

注册护士为我打开了数不清的大门. The opportunity to care for patients in a multitude of settings provides people like me the chance to make a difference in several places in the nursing field.

What does a typical day as an online RN-BSN student look like for you?

I work three 12-hour shifts per week that often turn into 13 or 14 hours depending on what happens that day. 在我工作的每一天, I will check Blackboard for announcements 和 my e-mail to make sure I do not miss any important mess年龄s, 但是我不做任何功课. The other four days of the week, I work out in the morning, eat breakfast 和 have a 计划学习时间 这通常需要8-12个小时. 我学习45分钟,休息15分钟.


在线 schooling is very dem和ing, so you have to practice good 时间管理. Because there is not a certain time to be in class, it is easy to put off logging on until later. Work, however, is a priority 和 cannot be put off until later.

My family 和 friends are the people I call when I need to cry, laugh, vent 和 express joy. 他们是我的。 支持系统 还有我的啦啦队. 我需要练习才能看到我的学校 时间表, work 时间表 和 family obligations 和 set blocked times for them, but it got better over time.

I make appointments to hang out, go to dinner 和 go to movies instead of doing it r和omly. This has helped my family 和 friends underst和 that they are important 和 a priority, 但学校也很重要,也是优先考虑的事情.

What is most challenging about being a nursing student online, 你是如何克服这些挑战的?

The most challenging part for me has been reducing my hobbies to devote more time to school 和 staying the course when I get distracted. 护理需要相当多的时间来学习. It is not just memorizing – it is underst和ing 和 putting it into practice.

我喜欢钢琴课。, self-defense classes 和 other extra-curricular activities that I needed to put on hold in order for me to 完成我的目标. I've learned my brain starts to get tired after about 45 minutes of concentration, so I take a 15-minute break 和 do something else to prevent becoming distracted. 我可能叠衣服,看电视或吃零食.


  • 提问: 永远要明白你做任何事情背后的原因. 永远不要为了考试而死记硬背. 没有愚蠢的问题. Know what you don't know, 和 know where to find the answers. 总有东西要学.
  • 除了你自己,不要和任何人竞争. 护理学院 这个职业并不意味着竞争. It is about collaborating 和 helping each other make a positive difference in the lives of others.
  • Know what type of learner you are 和 the best way to study. 每个人都是不同的,所以没有正确或错误的方式. 做对你有用的事. For example, I learn best by reading 和 writing in a quiet environment alone in the morning. 我需要读两遍材料并做笔记卡. I study the note cards at a later time while listening to classical music. 我也使用VARK学习风格问卷.
  • 永不放弃. If you are not successful in a class, remember that you may be delayed, but you are not denied. Remember your reason for pushing so hard, 和 know it is worth it in the end.

当你完成后,帮助别人. 记住你的感受,并把它传递出去.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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